Spirituality Days - Encounter days

The College engages the different year group in Reflection and Encounter Days.These days are opportunities for students to have an encounter with God.

  • Year 7, 8, and 9 – 1 Encounter day per year
  • Year 11 Senior Retreat – 3 day experience
  • Year 12 Retreat Reconnector - 1 day

 Years 7, 8, and 9 have formation days that are facilitated by the Diocean NET Teams. The theme is based on the cohort's yearly liturgical focus or needs at the time.

These days are uniquely Catholic, and focuses on the Emmaus paradigm of “meeting the students where they are at” and “taking them to somewhere new.” It is  accepting of where the students are at with their faith,  and aims to assist students in exploring their own faith with the emphasis that Jesus is at the heart of everything.

Encounter days are a catalyst for growth. With many students going further and exploring other faith initiatives offered through the  Diocesean Youth Ministry LIVE events or wanting to  become a Youth Ministry Leader at the College. 

At a more personal level, many of the students leave an Encounter day knowing that God is more present in their lives. This is a reality that goes far beyond “good feelings” and is often evident in a change of attitude and life practices which show the individual is living more fully.

Encounter days present a range of games, personal experiences, drama, all with the aim of the student being presented with the question of: “What is God’s role in my life and how do I choose to live this life I have been given?”, in the hope that they will come to a greater acceptance of their God given goodness.