
Who We Are

Catholic Life


Pastoral Care




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Who We Are

... welcome to Mount Carmel Principal's Message Captain's Message ...

Welcome to Mount Carmel

... welcome to Mount Carmel Principal's Message Captain's Message ...

Principal's Message

... welcome to Mount Carmel Principal's Message Captain's Message ...

Our History

... welcome to Mount Carmel Principal's Message Captain's Message ...

Our Charisms

... Next Retreats and Reflection Days welcome...

Faith in Action

...e.”  We are guided by Sacred Scripture when Jesus said, 'I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me. Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of...

Student Leadership

...led Student Council meetings and provide a report on Cultural Life activitiesTake responsibility for knowing of impending special guests to the College, and of significant events, and arrange student welcomesPromote the Champagnat Day Concert and host the Champagnat Day Concert in liaison with the Creative and Performing Arts DepartmentPromote Creative Arts events in consultation with Creative and Perfor...

Enrolment Timeline

... Enrolment Enquiry Our College welcome online enrolment enquiries and applications all year round However, parents and c...

Frequently Asked Questions

... Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teachers with any concerns, questions or comments through the Compass email system. Phone contact and contact through the College diary is also welcome. Issues regarding a specific class should be addressed to the subject teacher or KLA Coordinator. Issues of a pastoral nature should be addressed to your child’s Pastoral Advisor or Year Coordinator....

Internal page block demo

... welcome to Mount Carmel Principal's Message Captain's Message ...