
Who We Are

Catholic Life


Pastoral Care




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Frequently Asked Questions

Parents are requested to download or collect an enrolment information package from the College, and complete the online Enrolment Form.

Enrolment applications are accepted throughout the year. Each of these will be assessed at the time of lodgement and if there is a possibility of a position becoming available, an interview will be organised. For Year 7 enrolments for the start of each year, the applications will need to be lodged by the last school day of term 1. Interviews are arranged at the time of lodgement and parents are notified by the end of term 2.

Unfortunately at this point in time, parent tours are not possible. An information evening is held at the College during education week in term 1. At this evening, opportunities are available to visit faculty displays.

The College day commences with a movement bell at 8:40 am. The day concludes with student dismissal at 3:15pm. This varies on Tuesdays where the day finishes at 2:45 due to sport. The College opening hours are 8 – 4.

Mount Carmel is a member of the Macarthur Independent Schools Association (MISA) and competes against other non-government schools within the Macarthur region. The College also enters teams into competitions organised by the Diocese of Wollongong. College performance evenings and debates are organised at various points during the year. Every second year, a college musical and community service ball is organised for students.


You will find Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong's Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Policy here.

Buses are currently operated by Transit Systems and Busabout. Specific routes and times can be accessed by clicking on the bus website links below and locating the section on buses for Mount Carmel.

The College uniforms are provided by Rainier. A uniform shop is currently housed at the College.

Information regarding school fees can be accessed here

In certain circumstances where the payment of school fees may cause severe financial hardship, parents/caregivers are asked to contact the College to discuss their situation. These discussions will be treated in the strictest confidentiality and with the greatest care. Following the receipt of an application for concession, appropriate arrangements can be made. 

The Parents and Friends’ Association is active within the College. Parents are invited to join this association and attend meetings which are currently held once per month at the College. Parents can also assist in the canteen, second-hand uniform shop and at some carnivals. The College also runs various parent education evenings to help to develop the connection between the curriculum and pastoral care of the students.

Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teachers with any concerns, questions or comments through the Compass email system. Phone contact and contact through the College diary is also welcome. Issues regarding a specific class should be addressed to the subject teacher or KLA Coordinator. Issues of a pastoral nature should be addressed to your child’s Pastoral Advisor or Year Coordinator. Parents are asked to understand that teachers will be teaching throughout the day and will aim to respond to any contact within 24 hours. Parent/student/teacher conferences are held twice per year following the distribution of academic reports.

Information regarding the Parent-School Partnership Framework can be found via

To access the parent portal, you can go to the College website and click the Compass link on our homepage. Alternatively, you can go to where you can search for our school’s direct URL.

To log in you will require your unique family username and password. These details have been provided to you by our school via email. Upon first login, you will be required to change your password and confirm your email address and mobile phone number. These details may be used by our school for SMS, password recovery and email communication throughout the year.