
Who We Are

Catholic Life


Pastoral Care




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Captain's Message

Our 2024 College Leadership

“We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us…And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”

Marianne Williamson

Extending Open Arms…

Unarguably it can be said that Mount Carmel Catholic College has holistically acted as nurturers of dignified, successful and fulfilled students for generations. As the College Captains for 2024, we, Jacob and Gloria, seek to embark on a role where we may actively contribute to the growth of our beloved Christ-centred community. We faithfully maintain hopeful prospects for the coming year, with the support and expertise of our highly capable, interconnected SRC team.

Assistance and generosity are proven to be invaluable assets for students navigating the complex world of education within their formative years. The altruistic staff at our college cooperate to provide each student with abundant opportunities to display their talents, and to reach personal, academic and moral excellence. We wish to act as an extension of and as a mediator between the student and staff body to ensure that the College mission is brought to fruition for the benefit of the hard-working and deserving students.

The Student Representative Council endeavours to, both collectively and within our respective portfolios, identify and acquaint members to issues that may conflict with the family spirit that ties our community to the College. Through the delegation of methods that promote a lifestyle in the way of Mary, with our respective representatives of each portfolio: Meghann and Liam as our Academics, Matias and Skylah as our Social Justice and Environment, Sabina and Alex as our Spirituality, Isabella and Tyrone as our Hospitality as well as Aaron and Janita for our Sport, we wish to operate as instruments of guidance, voice and solidarity. As a group, our inclined impact and result for the 12 months that we operate in office are to promote positive wellbeing amongst the students, imbed initiatives that serve to benefit present and coming generations, as well as surrender ourselves as servant leaders for those that desire aid.

Our passion to fulfil such a goal originates from our admiration and sense of appreciation, for the staff's relentless efforts as well as the students' determination to reach their full potential. This year we wish to draw on the motto of connect and inspire, promoted by the previous Student Representative Council, but moreover wish to incorporate our own original theme that nurtures “unity and understanding.” 

The notion of “unity and understanding” aims to utilise the connections established and inspiration sparked from the fruitful work of the previous student leaders to foster the spirit of leadership within each student. We wish to disseminate the notion that leadership does not require outstanding skills, nor consists solely of mandating or maintaining any kind of status. In this manner, we will endeavour to promote a heightened spirit of courage within all peoples, spurring the youth of today to take action for the good of their futures and the future of our society; equipping students with the necessary skills to achieve this.

Mount Carmel, over its lifetime, has been immersed in the Marist characteristics that uphold staff and student bodies alike. The passive introduction and motion of such values, stemming from the foundations of the College, work in alignment with the “strong minds and gentle hearts” that Marcellin Champagnat sought to cultivate within this growing community. Our calling to recognise and express presence, simplicity, family spirit and love of work is emulated within our deep respect and unrelenting commitment to guide the members of our Mount Carmel community onto a truthful pathway to holistic success, to “ite en veritate”.

On behalf of the SRC team for 2024, we are honoured to cooperate with the staff body in uniting and promoting understanding within the student body through quality leadership. We look forward to a year filled with prosperity, connection and opportunity for all. God bless.


Gloria Rivadeneira Pino and Jacob Ramos