Mount Carmel Catholic College is committed to helping students develop up to date technology and communication skills, and as such we integrate technology into all learning and teaching areas to enhance learning experiences and outcomes, preparing students for their role in the digital world in which we live.
You can report cyber bullying, online harassment or other activites to different places depending on the activity:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/help/?page=843
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=help.reportabuse
YouTube: http://www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/request.py?contact_type=contact_us
Bebo: http://www.bebo.com/Safety.jsp
For assistance, you could try to contact your local local police or you can contact the Australian Communication and Media Authority's Cybersafety Contact Centre.
It is important to save as much information as possible. Please find below further details on how to secure this information.
Short video summarising characteristics of students today; how they learn, what they need to learn, their goals, dreams, what their lives will be like and what kinds of changes they will experience in the lifetime.
National, independant, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.
Not-for-profit, educational, research, clinical and community-orientated facility offering specialist expertise in depression and bipolar disorder.
Bounce Back work s on enhancing students wellbeing and their engagement in learn and teacher wellbeing and their passion for teaching and whole school wellbeing.
Aims to raise community awareness of bullying and support the teaching and learning of positive anti-bullying strategies for children of all ages.
Dedicated to bringing about change to the culture, policy and practice in the prevention, treatment and support of those affected by eating disorders and negative body image.
Bully Free TV aims to empower children with positive anti-bullying strategies. Bully Free TV features over and a half hours of invaluable tips, advice, guidance and anti-bullying techniques.
CyberSafetySolutions provides advice and assistance to various State Education Departments, Independent Christian and Catholic School sectors, as well as elite sporting bodies, adolescent psychologists, child protection agencies and medical practitioners about keeping safe online.
Cybersmart is a national cybersafety and cybersecurity education program managed by the Australia Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), as part of the Australian Government's 2008 commitment ($125.8 million over 4 years) to cybersafety. The program is specifically designed to meet the needs of children, young people, parents, teachers and library staff.
This website is intended to help schools, children and parents in practival ways to overcome the problem of bullying. It reviews bystander behaviour in schools, provides a survey instrument to asses how schools are responsing to cases of bullying and discusses how teachers and counsellors can mange cases of bullying using the method of 'shared concern'.
The Kids Helpline is a free, private and confidential, 24 counselling service for young people (%-25 years). Counselling is offered by phone, email and over the web. The website contains information about cyberbullying and where to access help.
NetSafe is an independent non-profit organisation that promotes confident, safe and responsible use of online technologies. Netsafe promotes cybersafety and champions digital citizenship by educating and supporting individuals, organisations and industry on a range of online issues.
NetSmartz aims to educate children on how to recognise potential risks, to empower them to avoid exploitation and to report victimisation to a trusted adult.
Reach Out aims to help improve understanding of issues related to mental health and wellbeing and provides information to better understand people's experiences. Reach Out has information on how users can get the best help from services, as well as opportunities to connect with other young people.
Schools First brings together students, teachers, parents and community members to help young people grow. The program provides financial recognition of success in establishing effective school community partnerships and financial support to build stronger school-community partnerships.
The Stop Bullying Now website assists users to help stop bullying in their schools and communities including information on what works to stop bullying, what doesn't and relevant training material. The links on this website leads users through an exploration of interventions that work to reduce bullying in schools.
The Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT) seeks to build an effective, international partnership of law enforcement agencies, non-government organisations and industry to help protect children from online abuse. The objectives of the VGT are to make the internet a safer place, to identify, locate and help children at risk to report perpetrators to the Police.
Wired Safety is a US charity operating through its volunteers worldwide. It is the largest and oldest online help group in the world. Originating in 1995 as a group of volunteers rating websites, it now provides one-to-one help, extensive information and education on a myriad of internet and interactive technology safety, privacy and security issues.